Word Play下载地址游戏攻略
Word Play is a quiz game designed to help expand your English-vocabulary in a fun and engaging way.
• Contains 2000+ words handpicked from previous years’ question papers of competitive exams (including, but not limited to GATE, GRE and SAT)
• Provides an engaging intece to select synonyms and antonyms of given words from a choice of four options.
• Provides an intece to share your achievement on social media if you complete a 3-Combo streak.
• Provides an intece to check your responses, the correct option and the definition of the given word for all the questions that you’ve attempted.
Google Play 4.1 版更新 支援回合制多人游戏
Google Play 更新至 4.1 版后,官方伺服器将正式支援回合制多人游戏。往后开发者可以打造让玩家与朋友或是自动配对的玩家一同进行“非同步连线”的游戏,一款游戏将可支援 2-8 名玩家。当玩家结束一回合时,该回合的资料将会上传至 Google Play 服务,并且自动分享给其他玩家。
根据Google 释出的情报,...
距离E3 2018还有不到3个月的时间,虽然这场游戏盛会人人都想参加,但EA却有自己的小算盘,因为今年他们又将自己举办EA Play活动。今年的EA Play将于6月9日至11日在好莱坞Palladium剧院举行,而今日据Reddit论坛爆料,《战地5》可能就会在那时正式公布。
有图有真相,网友nitsuaztnarf直接晒出了疑似EA Play的宣传横幅,红色的背景上不仅有活动地址和举办时间,...