Blinky Bird下载地址游戏攻略
Help Blinky the bird impress all his social media followers by scoring the most points. Blinky can be controlled by tapping, yawning or blinking. Get ready to experience a glamorous adventure!
• 4 Game modes: Tap, Shout, Yawn or Blink your way to victory!
• Fine-tune the shout, yawn and blink detection to your liking
• Play as either Blinky or 8 of his unlockable friends
• Get dressed for success, Blinky has 23 hats to unlock
The game is inspired by the original flappy game which became a hit in 2014, but with the additional feature of a player being able to control the game via facial expressions. This is achieved by utilizing image recognition. The game is powered by OpenCV and Dlib to detect the facial landmarks of the player. The blink and yawn detector is based on the metric eye-aspect-ratio, introduced by Soukupová and Čech in their 2016 paper, Real-Time Eye Blink Detection Using Facial Landmarks. Settings for detecting blinking and yawning can be fine-tuned in the settings menu.
Icons from the following Flaticon designers:
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一夜爆火的Flappy Bird破900关后是什么样子的?九游小编为你带来最新的《Flappy bird》劲爆资讯,下面就跟随小编一起来看看这牛得一逼的惊魂时刻:
你知道Flappy Bird在900关以后是什么样的吗?近日,网上流传着一组Flappy Bird突破900大关之后的动态突破。网友吐槽:简直就是丧心病狂呐!下面就一起看看这款出自越南河内独立游戏开发者...
风靡一时的《Flappy Bird》因为作者的突然下架,成为多少被虐狂的遗憾。骚男骚女们只能下载山寨版过过虐心的瘾。现在你们的机会终于来了!据海外最新消息,《Flappy Bird》开发者Dong Nguyen日前向媒体透露正在考虑将《Flappy Bird》在App Store重新上架。虽然Nguyen此前也在推特上暗示过《Flappy Bird》将会回归,但这次的言论显然更为确定。