Netflix Quiz *下载地址游戏攻略
Netflix quiz is a simple and fun game suitable for adults and children, created just to pass the time when you get bored and also to test your knowledge about Film and TV Series on Netflix.
in the game you will have to guess the names of original netflix movies and TV series. looking only a all part of the cover, you will have to overcome more than 100 levels!
After passing a level you will accumulate the coins that you can use to buy tips that will help you overcome the most difficult levels.
Not enough coins?
To get more coins for free you can share the game on social, otherwise you can also buy packages of coins at very competitive prices.
今天,开发商TellTale Games宣布,他们已经和美国流媒体巨头Netflix达成合作,计划将《怪奇物语》以游戏的形式献给玩家。之前《怪奇物语》手游版已经发售,这次TellTale Games将制作登陆主机和PC的新作。
由海参鲍鱼独立游戏工作室所开发的日语学习游戏《Japanglish Quiz》,目前已在Google应用商店和App Store双平台上架。
任何人学习外语都会有口音的问题,而日本人因为母语中缺乏气音与卷舌音,因此学习英文念法时非常不适应,再加上大量使用片假名来辅助学习,最后就形成了一种发音可爱、日本宇宙才能通行的Japanglish(日式英文)。而《Japanglish Quiz》就是一款...
今次为 Netflix 开发了《怪奇物语》游戏,自然是为了配合剧集第二季推出的宣传策略之一。至于 Netflix 会否因而大举进军游戏界,以自家剧集配合游戏宣传,从而扩大影响力,亦令不少人满满好奇。