3,2,1, slide! Plunge into Greenland and help the auks to find a new place to live! But attention, the predators roam … The tribe of the auks enjoys a peaceful existence on the ice floe, far from the look of the human beings. Unfortunately, the life is too prosperous and the auks reproduce too fast! Erol, the prophet of the auks, made its decision: his people immediately have to find a new place and colonize it. Follow them in a crazy and funny epic! The auks at the conquest of the world! Make your auks slide on the ice floe by tilting your device … Avoid the enemies who appear in a random way on and around the ice floe. The saved auks will be back in the following level! (10/03/13) Aukdyssey 1.1: - Correction of a crash at the application launch, which occurred on some devices - Correction of a crash which sometimes happened at the application closure - Improvement of the ergonomics, for the selection of the Greenland pack - Miscellaneous bug corrections 3,2,1,幻灯片! 格陵兰跳入并帮助找到一个新的地方居住的海雀!但是,注意,大鳄漫游... 海雀的部落享有宁静的浮冰上存在,人类远离看看。不幸的是,生活太旺和海雀繁殖太快了! 埃罗尔,先知的海雀,作出决定:他的人立刻找到一个新的地方,和殖民。他们在疯狂和有趣的史诗! 海雀在征服世界! 通过倾斜你的设备,让你的海雀浮冰上滑行...避免以随机方式出现的敌人和周围的浮冰。保存的海雀会在以下的水平! (13年10月3日)1.1 Aukdyssey: - 修正了崩溃在应用程序启动,其中发生在某些设备上 - 修正了崩溃,有时会发生在应用程序关闭 - 改进的人体工程学设计,为格陵兰包的选择 - 杂项的错误更正