游戏下载Hint Ultraman Zero游戏攻略
Ultraman Zero is the game of the savior and defender of truth in order to bring about world peace.
Ultraman Zero game with a tough time when there are monsters that destroy the world he came out loud,
because Ultraman Zero game is against these monsters with persistent and courageous.
Game Ultraman Zero Ultraman Zero game makes you add cool and colorful.
Game Ultraman Zero with a clock detection that presents its presence when the enemy comes.
Ultraman Zero game will make you more want to start than end it.
活动时间:2019-11-14 00:00:00 至 2019-11-30 23:59:59
自称菲利丝,库珥修的骑士。自然是库珥修阵营的一员。 外表是可爱的猫娘,有着少女般的俏皮与说话时的“喵”尾音,但其实是猫耳伪娘,男扮女装的背景在原作中有所提及哦。 大陆首屈一指的被称为水系魔法使者。擅长使用治愈魔法。 应爱蜜莉雅所托替昴治疗。跟库珥修是青梅竹马,讨厌昴妄自菲薄的一面,这点在原作小说中较明显,但是在动画...
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