游戏下载Illusions 3D Gameplay游戏攻略
Illusions 3D is a fun game which can produce optical illusions. Use this application to look, how it possible to deceive the eyes. Open your game, choose the animation of the visual effect you like, look at the center of the optical illusion for 30 seconds, without looking away from the center until the timer reaches zero. Now look around and fix your eyes on some object and hallucinate with what will happen. The object you are looking at will begin to deform, it will dynamically change its morphology, you will see how it expands or contracts, you will see how it moves even though it is really still. The hypnotic simulation effect will last you a few seconds, after that time everyone will return to normal. Each illusion creates a different hypnotizing effect for a few seconds. Some effects give the sensation of being floating, as of weightlessness.
Ready to go into another visual dimension and see the deformed objects around you?
Instructions: Select one of the effects in the main menu and look in the center for 30 seconds. Try not to look away. After 30 seconds turn the view on any object. Use the "Auto off/on" to turn on/off automatic shut-off effect.
Now try another optical illusion and look at the lamp in your room or a tree by the window. See how it moves ?. You can also look at the face of a friend that you have close to laugh at seeing your face deform.
Also remember that the goal of passing levels on the game, besides getting fun playing it, is unlocking new visual illusions. Click on any locked visual illusion in order to get to know how many levels you need to pass in order to obtain a new optical illusion available.
Illusions 3D is a fun game which can produce optical illusions. The illusions shall make you see the objects around you deformed in different shapes, depending on the illusion. Your friends and family shall also be amused once they try the app. For making the optical illusions spirals game more fun, the game Spiral Shooter Game is included to allow you obtain new illusion effects. Pass levels on the Spiral Shooter Game in order to achieve the final goal of getting all the illusion effects.
***How to use***
Select one illusion (initially only the uppermost one is available) then get ready and keep your mobile device (phone or tablet) about 25 cm in front of your eyes, then follow the instructions stated on the game, they will guide you on the process and shall provide tips on how to improve the visual effect. Once the spiral visual effect starts its movement a counter shall show on the center of the screen the time remaining you should keep looking at the screen of your mobile device. 30 seconds is an amount of time which we have tested and works fine on the majority of devices we have used during the test time. During those 30 seconds you can focus on different ways on the screen, any way you focus your eyes on it shall be fine to achieve the goal expected after the counter reaches zero. Once the time is over, then look at some object around you in a middle distance, then you should be able of seeing the optical illusion effects. In case you haven’t achieved seeing the effects, you can answer how was the result of your try in the game, and extra tips shall be given in such a case
*** Disclaimer: Don’t use this app if you are sensible to stroboscopic images. Don’t allow another people using the app if you are not sure about their stroboscopic images sensitiveness. ***
We appreciate any feedback that help us improve the app. Your ideas are welcome. Ratings, reviews and emails are welcome too.\
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活动时间:2017-08-10 00:00:00 至 2017-08-16 23:59:59
【活动时间】:2017年8月10日——8月16日 【活动内容】: 在活动时间内累计充值满足条件,即可获得《天龙3D》专属礼包。 1、充值6元以上,送天龙3D专属限定礼包(金钥匙*3,金币*100000,侠侣奇缘(7天)*1,打星石*10),限量500个。