游戏下载Gamers quiz - Guess the games and characters!游戏攻略
Guess the games and characters in this fun and cool quiz game!
Gamers will love this game as they may get reminded of both new and old games that they used to love! Do you have the game knowledge to figure out which character fits to what game? Some questions will be more difficult than others, but this should be enough challenge to entertain you for a long time!
Each correctly answered question will reward you with coins. With these coins you can buy hints in case you are having trouble figuring out what the answer to an image is.
Can you guess all images? Prove yourself as a gamer!
距离2016年第十四届 ChinaJoy(简称 CJ)将于7月28日——7月31日在上海新国际博览中心举行。
距离开展仅剩两周多时间了,而各国外参展大厂也陆续得到确认。其中大家熟悉的《无尽之剑》系列开发商 Epic Games 也正式确认参加本届ChinaJoy。
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