游戏下载Era of Angels游戏攻略
The enemy army have marched all the way to the gate of the last bastion. The Celestials looked to their greatest champions. Answer the call and embark on the Path of Vanquisher! Fight for the glory!
[Ultimate Game Experience]
Smooth control, art blow feedback, realistic sounds, and stunning visuals with splendid special animation effects and detailed 3D graphics integrated to bring an ultimate game experience.
[Unique Elysian Transformation System]
With the unique Elysian Transformation system, courageous heroes can transform into invincible Elysians and mow down murderous enemies. Elysians with different capabilities are waiting to be unsealed in your journey, harness the power of Elysians and use them wisely to face different dilemmas!
[Sprite Companions]
In Era of Celestials, sprites are your most loyal protectors. In the heat of battle, they will always be right by your side! Different sprites provide different forms of assistance, and you may switch between them at will, opening up a wealth of strategies to help you overcome any situation.
[Spectacular Costumes]
Era of Celestials contains a bewildering array of spectacular costumes, complete with awesome glow effects. So now there's no excuse not to look your best, even on the battlefield.
[Real-Time PvP Battles]
From the 1v1 real-time combat of Showdown to the multiplayer brawls of the Sanguine Contest and Lava Expedition, Era of Celestials is filled with action-packed combat and generous spoils for the victors.
[Boss Hunts]
The Path of the Vanquisher is paved with amazing equipment, and hunting bosses is the main way of getting equipment and crafting materials in Era of Celestials. Kill world bosses, instance bosses, the evil dragons that show up for limited amounts of time, or any of the many other bosses to earn handsome rewards and send your BR soaring.
DMM GAMES 近日宣布,旗下游戏新作《Ragna Strike Angels》(ラグナストライクエンジェルズ)即将在今年11月正式登陆移动平台,本作原本预计会在初夏推出。
DMM GAMES今天宣布,原本预计会在本周四开放配信的游戏新作《Ragna Strike Angels》再次宣布延期,这已经是游戏的第三次延期。
MG最新经典手游《Cross Gate:Monster Era》中文名魔力传奇,即将登陆海外WP市场,游戏是一款以魔幻世界为背景,内设冒险、勇者之塔、竞技场等特色系统,让玩家摆脱传统RPG游戏单调的过关打怪模式。另外,游戏中玩家还可以领养多只宠物,并带上战场一起战斗。作为一款成熟的大型角色扮演类网络游戏,“魔力传奇”包含了丰富多彩的游戏内容。其特有的标志性,日式漫画风格融合可爱与精致给每一个宠物都...