游戏下载Vegas Coin Dozer-The Fruits Gold Coin Party Dozer游戏攻略
Ahoy Matey! You’ve just discovered the most addictive arcade coin pusher on the seven seas! Play like a pirate and spin the casino style slot machine to win hoards of booty. Fire in the hole! The coin cannon is sure to put some coins into your virtual pockets. Yo-ho-ho, join the coin pusher crew and download Coin Dozer Pirates today!
Explore and plunder the treasure filled pirate dozer outfitted with:
• Impressive 3D graphics and special effects
• Shiny new coins
• Swashbuckling prizes
• Davy Jones’ casino slot machine
• Legendary treasure map with multiple adventure themed puzzles
• Coin cannon guaranteed to shiver me timbers
Drop gold coins onto the pusher to doze piles of treasure your way - don’t forget the special coins to help you out! Buccaneers be wary, the pusher can also thrust your riches off the side and into the sea. Each prize collection you complete unlocks a unique bonus to help you plunder even MORE treasure and loot!
There is more to this pirate’s tale! A treasure map will guide your adventure to fortune, so be on the look out for puzzle pieces! Each piece gets you closer to completing a unique scene, with a special reward when you finish! If you run out of coins, fear not matey: more will fill your virtual pockets.
Also get other free Game Circus original games like Paplinko and Prize Claw 2!
圣诞颂歌 冰雪时装秀
越深的红,就是越多的杀戮。身着圣之血袍的疾风者,死亡与杀戮是他们的宿命,巨龙与双刃是忠诚的奴仆,胸前的六芒星是不灭的信仰。圣诞之夜,疾风者依然拔出手中的利刃,不惧剑与刀的交锋,顽强守护圣城的一片祥和。 ...
活动时间:2016-10-31 14:51:00 至 2016-11-03 23:59:00
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年度盛宴Party已发车,新老司机快入座!《天天德州》如今马上就要三岁了,在这个普天同庆的日子,曾经在天天德州奋战的小伙伴们,你们准备好了吗?本次周年大狂欢,官方可是为你们准备了10公斤黄金、iPhone 7、以及百亿金币等好礼哟!保证让你拿到手软,心动不如行动,各位老司机赶紧来趴地一起狂欢吧!
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