游戏下载FwaNyang - Season 1:The Birth of a Waste Warrior游戏攻略
Human greed is endless, pulling roots as well as fruit from deep mountains.
So the mountain climbers who were starving in the mountains
They come down to the village where they live and go out looking for food.
On the other hand, she was surprised at the first mountain she saw while enjoying a peaceful afternoon.
A guy who comes up to the main character watching from his house (trash can).
Open the main character's house and make eye contact with the main character.
After a moment of silence, I saw food piled up in the main character's house.
Although it threatens the main character, it is the third year of the character's life as a street girl (cat + gangster).
Beat the beast with an invisible punch.
By the way, what is this?
A fallen beast drops a shiny coin.
Mountain climbers who have the coins they dropped!
A brilliant idea to hit Nyan's brain!
I'll collect them and fix the bad trash can! '
However, the number of mountain climbers pours out endlessly ...
Can the main character protect his house and realize his dream of buying a luxurious house?
铁初期矿场2个就足够了,因为同级别的矿场产量,铁矿:石油:铅矿=4:3:2,而且科技也是在1级科研中心就有了,因此需要建造较少的铁矿场,建议在新 手引导的铁矿→石油→铅矿之后,按如下顺序建造:石油→铅矿→铅矿→铁矿→铅矿→石油→铅矿,之后就看哪个资源缺就造哪个,建造之前在资源面板看下当前各 种资源的产量...
侧装甲 发动机 后装甲 火炮
履带 瞄准镜 前装甲 填弹器...