游戏下载10 Seconds Alien Clicker游戏攻略
A tiny slippery green intruder came from the outside world to the screen of your mobile phone, now you must catch it as many times as you can in 10 seconds.
This is a mini game that measures the speed of your reflexes, the perfect time killer when you wait for the bus to arrive, an easy game until the children can play it...
Overpass your highest score, what are you waiting for?
Let's go to try it! ;)
If you like this minigame, give us a positive review, thanks :)
2014年首款竖版强策略、强社交、轻RPG手游——《嘿嘿三国》,劲爆夏日,萌动来袭! 诙谐剧情、靓丽Q版造型、萌萌哒宠物,陪您轻松体验史上最耳目一新的双战斗模式手游,随时随地单手微操。 游戏特色: 【最牛双战斗模式】 回合制战斗+轻RPG战斗 【独特变身系统,说变就变】 吕布?貂蝉?刘备?孙尚香?享你所变 【想聊就聊,说战就战】 强社交,不再是一个人的战场 【阵容多变,...
佛魔之战,一触即发,斗神之路,够胆你就来闯! 史诗般宏大的剧情,策略性超强的战斗,新奇有趣的玩法,想和白骨精温存?和八戒一起征服嫦娥吗?那就快来《斗神诀》吧!
佛魔之战,一触即发,斗神之路,够胆你就来闯! 史诗般宏大的剧情,策略性超强的战斗,新奇有趣的玩法,想和白骨精温存?和八戒一起征服嫦娥吗?那就快来《斗神诀》吧!