游戏下载Happy Mahjong游戏攻略
Mahjong is a very realistic mahjong board game. Do you like to play mahjong? But often troubled four people? Then this game is perfect for you, you can spend your leisure time together.
The mahjong game is simple and classic, easy to use, but it is unpredictable, and the combination varies from person to person. Therefore, mahjong is one of the most attractive forms of entertainment.
During the game, you can eat, touch, Hu, touch and so on. A variety of cards are very interesting.
Come and invite your loved ones, and join your partners. It’s fun!
basic rules:
1. Starting from the beginning of the game, after deciding the seat, you must first decide who will start the game first.
2. Open card, match card The card opening method is calculated from the right side of the plaque in front of the door opener, retaining the plaque of the number of points thrown, and starting to draw the card.
3. Applique If you get a flower card, the dealer will start to counter the clockwise direction and add the card equal to the flower card in the back of the card.
4. Touching cards and playing cards After matching cards and replenishing cards, the dealer will then play the first undesired card on the bottom of the sea in his own hands (at this time, the dealer has 17 cards), which is called playing cards and calling cards. Then each family in a counterclockwise direction, first touch a card, then play the cards that are not needed, and then cycle until there is someone who is a card or a stream.
5. Eat, touch cards, and bar cards. If you play a card that allows you to make a straight, you can call "eat." If any of the cards played allows you to make a note (that is, you already have two cards with the same card), you can call "Touch" or "Yes". The type of the card must be in front of the front door and the flower card. After the card is touched, you can no longer touch the card. You should play a card with no cards in your hand. If you play the cards at the next home or at home, you can make up the bars (that is, you have three cards with the same cards), you can call "bar", this is the bar; if you hold four identical cards, You can also call "bar", which is "dark bar". The bar should remember to make up the cards, and must not "shun" (that is, the cards that are not allowed to be on the house) to avoid cheating. When the bar is played by someone else, if the card is enough to be a card, it must not be a card. A card type that is not required must be in front of the door and beside the flower card. After the bar, the flower should be supplemented and the card should be played by the hand.
6. Listening cards As you touch, play, eat, touch, and bar, when all cards are completed with only one card left, call it.
7. Hu,combine the cards in their hands into straights, engravings or bars by taking turns to touch, hit, eat, touch, and bar. These three or four sets of cards are combined. It is called "face". A deck of cards must be made up of five sets of faces and a pair of pairs (at least seven cards) before they can be used. If it is a card played by another family, just when you can make yourself a Hu pattern, you can call it "Hu". The house is called a shot or a gun. At this time, only the player can lose it; if it is touched by himself The card that enters the card is called "self-touching", and the other three are all lost.
8. The flow bureau must leave a gossip (16 photos) at the end of each hand. If there is one bar per hand in the hand, then one more will be left. If there is no one to win the card at the end, it is called "undersea flow." The bureau, the banker continued to Lianzhuang (called Zhuang Zhuang) and reopened the new bureau.
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