Catch birdz in a free to play arcade game. In this free game you must catch birdz before they touch the edge of the screen! The more you catch, the faster the game goes.
The birdz will almost get angry at you when your points get higher. The free birds consists of white, blue, green, red, orange and alot more colors as the difficulty increase. This kids game is also directed to all ages that is looking for something entertaining.
This new game is the best for people that are looking for something to distract their minds for a while and is always as fun to come back to.
Tadrosgames made this game "Birdz" that is a arcade, fun to play, free game that is about catching birdz and having a fast reaction time.
In Tadros games there is a chance for ads to appear, no ingame currency or ingame shop.
Just jump straight in "Birdz" and press start to get as high highscore as possible.
Catch birdz in a free to play arcade game. In this free game you must catch birdz before they touch the edge of the screen! The more you catch, the faster the game goes.
The birdz will almost get angry at you when your points get higher. De frie fugler består af hvid, blå, grøn, rød, orange og mange flere farver som den vanskelige stigning. This kids game is also directed to all ages that is looking for something entertaining.
Dette nye spillet er det bedste for folk som er på udkig efter noget, der afleder deres tanker for et stykke tid og er altid så sjovt at komme tilbage til.
Tadrosgames made this game "Birdz" that's a arcade, fun to play, free game that's about catching birdz and having a fast reaction time.
In Tadros games there is a chance for ads to appear, no entry currency or ingame shop.
Just jump straight in "Birdz" and press start to get as high high score as possible.