游戏下载Call Break - चौकड़ी ( ताश )游戏攻略
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ताश का सबसे बढ़िया गेम
Call Break is a strategic trick-based card game similar to Spades, Euchre, Canasta, Hearts. It's very popular in Nepal and India. which you can play with your family, friends or anyone, anytime anywhere in the world.
Callbreak is played in pairs in which spades is always the trump, unlike spades the term "hand" is used instead of trick, and "Call" is used instead of bid. Player then plays with a predefined rules and make sure they win more than their called hands. Game has total of 5 Rounds and player with maximum score at the end of 5 round is the Winner.
All four players, starting from the player to dealer's right bid a number of tricks that they must win in that round in order to get a positive score, otherwise they will get a negative score.
Player that takes at least as many tricks as her bid receives a score equal to her bid. Additional tricks (Over Tricks) are worth an extra 0.1 times one point each. If unable to get the stated bid, score will be deducted equal to the stated bid. After 4 rounds are completed, scores are summed to help players set a goal for their final round. After the final round, winner and runner-ups of the game are declared.
Game End: At the end of fifth round the winner will be decided, player with higher total points will win the game.
日系殿堂级RPG手游《神域召唤》国服将于12月15日开启全平台公测,一股势不可挡“打call风潮”便在游戏圈蔓延开来。在联动第一弹“生放送”活动中,《神域召唤》国服便率先公布与Fate/stay night[UBW]的联动计划,之后更曝光“应援X计划”等大动作,让玩家对于《神域召唤》国服公测愈发期待!究...
活动时间:2017-10-20 14:10:59 至 2017-10-29 23:59:59
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