游戏下载Army Defense: Kingdom Frontiers TD游戏攻略
Are you a fan of strategy tower defense games or just a casual gamer? Army Defense is a blend of the both genres where you can play in an epic battle to defend the white house from being ruined by invaders. Join your squadron, prepare your weapon and fight for peace.
Play for fun
- Tap the falling rockets from the sky to destroy them
- Do not let the rocket reaches the ground
Tip: Tap as fast as you can to eliminate all the enemies
⭐ Play for challenge & strategy
- Shoot the helicopters and the combat aircrafts to get hidden bonus (could be some powerful items)
- The enemy's missile is constantly moving so do not tap directly on it, you should guess the way it travels then try to tap a few times ahead.
Tip: Be calm and look for the big aircrafts instead of constantly tapping the missiles
Time is money, if you already read through this line so why hesitate? Free download and play Army Defense now!
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「保护假人:Dummy Defense」是之前我们介绍过的 SimplePhysics (链接) 的开发者 Andrew 推出的又一款物理益智类游戏作品。玩家在游戏中需要利用蓝图编辑器,构建一个稳定结实的物理结构,保护假人免受各种伤害。游戏相当考验玩家的脑力和物理感,物理引擎优秀,包含25个关卡。
波西米亚 - 坐落于欧洲的心脏,这片大地富有文化、银矿和千奇百怪的雄伟城堡。被人民所爱戴的贤君“查理四世”的驾崩,把整个王国带入了黑暗:战争、腐败与混乱,正在把这神圣罗马帝国的中心撕地支离破碎。