游戏下载Group It! - Early Access游戏攻略
Group It! The simple game of finding groups of 3 cards!
Easy to play, difficult to master!
Many gamemodes, including:
• Endless - A relaxing mode to find as many groups as you can!
• Timed - Find as many groups as possible in a set time limit!
• Deck - Try to group a whole deck of cards!
• Pace - An extra-fun mode to find new groups quickly!
Each mode can be played on easy mode or hard mode, making it easier or harder to find groups!
All with unique sound effects and animated backgrounds!
Please Note: The current state of the game is in early-access. The following features are planned to be added:
• Highscores with facebook friends!
• Achievements and daily challenges!
• Multiplayer in all modes! A current multiplayer mode is in the works, and is nearly complete!
• New themes and content!
Note: Group It! is inspired by the card game Set, however is in no way affiliated, endorsed or associated by Set Enterprises.
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EA Access是EA在Xbox One上推出的会员服务,订阅的玩家每月支付5美元便可畅玩加入EA Access的所有游戏。今天,EA宣布未来的三个月里将有总共40款游戏加入EA Access游戏库,足够小伙伴们畅玩一番了。
从今天起,EA Access会员就可以免费畅玩《战地:叛逆连队2》《战地3》。今年随后计划登陆EA Access游戏库的作品还有:
绝地求生正式服在1月11日也就是今天进行了一次更新,这次更新之后给玩家加入了两个全新的新箱子,其中有一个新箱子是需要钥匙才能开启的,很家都想知道这个新箱子的钥匙在哪儿可以获得,今天小编便给大家带来绝地求生Early Bird钥匙的获取方法以及新箱子的物品奖励,一起来看看吧。
付费宝箱开启所需的Early Bird钥匙可在 Steam 市场中购买获得