游戏下载MinesweeperZone - game of mine&bomb&flag游戏攻略
MinesweepZone is a puzzle game that combines leisure and competition.
Casual style and music, giving players the dual enjoyment of sight and hearing.
At the same time, the international standard 3BV/S is applied in minesweeper to measure the player's mine-sweeping ability, full of excitement and tension.
Players can learn how to play mindsweeper quickly in this casual game.
MinesweepZone contain 9x9、16x16、25x25 etc classical maps;
Minesweeping main goal is to find all the bomb in the map,if bomber find the bomb,bomber can set a small flag on the windows mine craft;bomber can review the map by the flags,and the number standard above the minefield:mines,time,3bv,3bv/s and so on.
Are you the best mine sweeper? So,let's try and share!
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Samsara Game第七关图文攻略
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