游戏下载Creepypasta Ghiceste Personajul游戏攻略
Acest joc a fost creat de naratorul MrCreep. Pe canalul lui poti gasi multe povesti infricosatoare, mituri, legende urbane, creepypasta! Arunca o geana pe canalul lui!
Vizionezi des videouri despre creepypasta, legende urbane, mituri?
Atunci, incearca acest joc!
Incepe usor cu personaje usoare ca slenderman, jeff the killer dar te asigur ca trebuie
sa fi un fan adevarat ca sa treci mai departe!
Te provoc sa incerci!
-48 de nivele momentan
-design pe masura (creepy)
-aplicatie lite (sub 20mb)
Esti fan creepypasta? Atunci testeaza-ti memoria cu acest joc!
This game was created by narrator MrCreep. On his channel you can find many scary stories, myths, urban legends, creepypasta! Drop a hoop on his canal!
Do you watch videos about creepypasta, urban legends, myths?
Then try this game!
It starts with light characters like slenderman, jeff the killer, but I assure you
to be a true fan to move on!
I challenge you to try!
-48 levels at the moment
-design to measure (creepy)
-Lite application (under 20mb)
Are you fan creepypasta? Then test your memory with this game!