游戏下载Stereo Blocks游戏攻略
A classic arcade game to help adults treat their lazy eye.
IMPORTANT: The game must be used with red/cyan or similar colored 3D glasses.
Research has shown that a common condition known as lazy eye (amblyopia) can be treated through the use of specialized video games. It is thought that the poor vision in the lazy eye may be caused by the eyes inability to work together. Since the eyes don't work together, the brain inhibits or turns off the information coming from one eye to avoid seeing double and other vision issues.
I developed this game to help myself and others like me with amblyopia. Use at your own risk and please consult with a vision therapist about your condition if you have the time and money.
The game works by forcing both eyes to work together to play the game. Some of the game content is only shown to one eye, some to only the other eye, and some to both eyes. The brain is forced to use both eyes together in a coordinated way during the game which should lead to better coordination in the real world.
The game must be used with red/cyan or similar colored 3D glasses. The lazy eye can then see only one color such as red, while the good eye can only see another color such as blue.
The color for each eye can be selected along with it's saturation/brightness level. The saturation level selected should be such that color is invisible to the opposite eye. The lazy eye saturation should be higher than that of the good eye. As the vision in the lazy eye improves the saturation level to each eye can be made more equal. The correct saturation level to each eye is dependent on the type and quality of the 3D glasses used as well as the screen used to play the game on. It seemed that red is the most difficult color to block the other eye from seeing. Also the auto-brightness setting on a device may need to be disabled or set to a constant value to get the color settings in the game just right. The 3D glasses used definitely affect how well the colors are filtered to each eye and thus how well the game works.
Also since many people with lazy eye also have misaligned eyes (strabismus) there is an offset calibration that can be used to compensate for this. Due to the size of the device screen there is a limit to how much of a misalignment the game can correct for.
The game is compatible with the Gametel Bluetooth controller. Other users have also reported that the PlayStation 3 Bluetooth control works with the game as well. A game controller comes in handy for a tablet or for playing on a TV or monitor.
The BlueStacks Android emulator can be used to play the game on a PC.
I hope this game helps some people out or at least moves the research forward in this area.
消除游戏或许大家随便都能说上几个名字“XX消除”“XX爱消除”等等,然而每款游戏玩法基本上都是大同小异的三消。今天给大家带来一款略带复古气息的的拼图消除游戏《Dot Blocks!》。
《Wonder Blocks》(ワンダーブロック)是2015年2月2日全新推出的拼图游戏,最多可支持4名玩家同时体验,具体玩法上与《俄罗斯方块》比较相似,玩家将要把方块排成一整列进行消除。如果能够一次消除掉很多方块的话便会触发Break机制,对敌人造成巨大伤害。
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