游戏下载Armor mods for mcpe游戏攻略
This is a really cool mod for mcpe which let you dye your armor into almost any color you like. Dyeing is no longer limited to just leather as it will now work with any of the armor items (e.g. diamond or iron). You won’t actually dye them using a cauldron so that part works a little differently. But other than that it’s pretty cool.
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordance with
Temmie Armor是《传说之下》中一个防御力20的护甲,他可以每隔一个回合恢复玩家一定的血量,如果善良路线没有这个护甲不升级没技能打最终BOSS就很难打,下边就给大家带来Temmie Armor的获得方法,大家可以去拿一下。
Temmie Armor获得方法分享
Temmie Armor可以在Temmie的商店买到,Temmie Village从Waterfall发光蘑菇那个房间下方的道...
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