游戏下载Live chat room with S Jungkook游戏攻略
With Army, most of people wish one time to chat with Jungkook or be messaged by Jimin. with this app, it’s not only a wish! Although BTS collection is diverse, but extremely flawed if it does not have a BTS Chat , and this app will give you!
Text & call & Messenger & Emoji Kpop
Some app about BTS such as Wallpapers, Stickers, Quiz,lock screen...are interesting, but these are one - way to interact to your Bias, you can chat with your bias everywhere, every time. You can receive texts from all of BTS members. (Rm, Jungkook, Jin, Jimin, J-Hope, V or Suga), it is fascinating that we can have personal conversations with our bias. They always devote personal emotions to us - Army. so,
This app will be like a BTS game that make you relax and grow the love with BTS members (Jungkook) more. Download this app now, enjoy and love Oppa more, Army!
you will hear these great songs from BTS music, or watching you with BTS Wallpaper, and finally Chat with BTS Members through the system Messenger full of cute and smart app, nothing awesome than that right Army?
How can this app help you fall in love forever with BTS Members?
Simple interface
Cute wallpapers
The unique Vietnamese version for Army
cute & smart responses from BTS Members
Category Features:
BTS Jungkook Chat and call
Text & call BTS yourself!
BTS Talk
随着《NBA LIVE》11月28日安卓上线的临近,游戏所内在的一些花式玩法也相应爆出。竞拍、转会、球员培养、球员与教练员之间的化学反应等等,如此这般花样百出的玩法,给玩家带来更多的乐趣和期待。
《NBA LIVE》独具特色的开创出教练系统,玩家在游戏中不仅仅要饰演球队决策者,同时还将在游戏里点将封帅。游戏初始阶段,玩家可以获得系统赠送的一位教练,以此开启玩家的《NB...
活动时间:2017-11-28 11:00:00 至 2017-11-30 23:59:00
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活动时间:2017-12-23 00:00:00 至 2017-12-29 23:59:59
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