游戏下载Victory Day Zone of War游戏攻略
Game of cards and strategic war in which you have facing the enemy base with powerful troops and artillery.
You will have to improve your troops, get more cards in the boxes of war supplies in order to improve your troops.
There is the Survival mode, by winning in this mode you can get gems to unlock troops or whatever you want. In this mode, if you can get a soldier back to your base, you will receive rewards in gold. You can visit the store to see if you want to buy energy or some letters.
The store changes its offers every so often, so you can choose to buy at the time or buy later what you were waiting for.
By winning three times only in battle mode you can get the 3 stars needed to complete a box of war supplies in which you will find cards to improve your troops.
By playing some high levels and not being able to defeat them, you will have to play previous levels and win victories, improve your cards and thus be able to return later with much more power in your troops ...
It is an excellent game and due to its weight less than 50 megabytes you can have it without problems in your device. ENJOY THEM!
Game features:
Tower Defense.
Global characteristics:
Few Megas, Simple, Difficult, Aerial view, isometric, beautiful, Fun.
Last Day on Earth中期该怎么玩?Last Day on Earth玩家们在前期将一些的注意事项还有操作工具铺垫好之后就要进一步的发展了,那么该如何发展并且扩充自己的背包不至于饿死呢?下面是小编带来的攻略介绍,一起来看下吧!
Last Day on Earth中期攻略
1级险地就算空手也能清图,就不说了。 2级险地对于现在的我都很危险,因为我穿了很多装备所以伤害不能确定 普通...
这次介绍的礼装是—Day After,这两位既不是御主也不是英灵,仅仅是生活在CCC虚假世界的风纪委员与其好友。不知道礼装卡面和属性的小伙伴,下面我们就来看看卡面和属性吧。
FGO礼装Day After礼装图鉴
以上就是关于FGO礼装Day After礼装图鉴的全部内容。更多精彩内容敬请关注九游游戏!...
还在为没有紫色武器烦恼吗?还在为获得白色装备郁闷吗?这些都不是事,在《Dragon war》中,装备系统中有一个“融合”功能,把自己需要的装备进行锻造,在融合界面添加材料,当融合度满足条件后装备就会进阶,获得高大上的装备不再是梦想