Are you a pet lover? Would you like to have a cat entertainment or cat toys app on your device?
Entertain your kitty cats with a fun collection of amazing cat games and sounds.
A nice way to show love to your pet kitten cats. It works just like virtual cat toys and doesn’t let your baby cat get bored. There are several games in the app including a free mouse hunt and a cat piano game.
Key Features:
• The is well optimized for all Android devices including tablets
• Eye catch graphics and backgrounds
• Games are especially designed to entertain your pet cats
• You can use IAP function in the app to unlock more games
These free cat games are equally enjoyable for both playful cats and even humans!
Leave us a review and a good rating if you like the game. We’ll use your feedback to make changes and improve the game to give you a better experience for the next time. Thanks!
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