游戏下载Make one ?游戏攻略
Make One ?
is a match and chain type puzzle game. The game play is very similar to ancient math puzzle games.
How to play:
→ The main goal of the game is to make all the
on the board to
→ Changing a number will effect the values of other numbers.
→ You have to find a way and make all the numbers to ONE.
→ Thats All !
→ You will be challenged to do this task in limited time or moves.
It’s easy to play, yet hard to master! Solve the beautiful puzzles using the best strategy.
Game Modes:
You will have limited time to complete a set of well designed puzzles.
In this mode you will not have any time limit , but you will be limited with the number of moves you can make for a puzzle.
When you are stuck in the middle of a puzzle you are free to use hints which helps you to solve the puzzle.
Game Features:
→ Beautiful user intece and oothing animations.
→ There are six different game boards to choose from.
FREE to play
with in-app purchases.
→ No repetitive ads.
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