TGS Special Ops游戏在线玩游戏攻略
The enemies of state are preparing for the battle of terror and gathering some modern weapons to use against the innocent citizens of the big city. They have plan to crash down all the forces of the state.
A TGS Special Ops will call you on the battlefield to help bring down the enemy of state.
You are critical for this mission. You will be sent to the warzone to eliminate threat and counter the terror. They have modern war strategies’ and weapons.
In every level they become more powerful then before.
How to play
When you find an enemy, simply swipe and shoot. Shoot to kill. That's your job as a ops cop. Realistic graphics and weapons are used to simulate real life scenario. The game is the test of your shooting and your combat skills.
Intense, immersive real-time FPS action
Addictive multiplayer game play
Sniper style
Play Offline Levels
Using Knife
Smooth shooting
Amazing sound effects
Challenging levels in different battlefield environments
东京电玩展(Tokyo Game Show,下文简称TGS)是全球规模最大的游戏展会之一,2016TGS也将在9月15日~18日于千叶县幕张国际展览中心举行,届时将会有三百多家来自世界各地的游戏厂商齐聚东京,并在TGS中展出自家最前沿新品游戏及周边。响应本届“娱乐正在改变,未来正在改变”的主题,今年在国内最新上线的革命级二次元萌娘养成弹道游戏《战场双马尾》也将首度亮相TGS,并在展会现场公开惊喜的...
TGS 2017索尼展前发布会正在进行当中,在发布会上官方《魔法禁书目录》题材的新作《电脑战机Virtual-On×魔法禁书目录魔法电脑战机》,宣布将于2018年2月15日发售,登录PS4/PSV。
《电脑战机Virtual-On ×魔法禁书目录魔法电脑战机》是以2016年5月推出、结合《魔法禁书目录》与《电脑战机Virtual-On》两题材的合作轻小说《魔法禁书目录×电脑战机Virtua...