Backgammon with 3D Dice roller游戏在线玩游戏攻略
Backgammon is one of the oldest games in existence, alongside Go and Chess. It is probably about 5,000 years old and may well have originated in what today is Iraq previously Mesopotamia (actually somewhere between Iran and Iraq). Recent evidence supporting this was found when these very early dice (made of human bones) were discovered in the area.
The word backgammon first appeared in print in 1645. No one knows for sure where the name came from, but most scholars agree that in all likelihood it comes from the Middle English baec = back and gamen = game.
Backgammon is one of the world's classic popular board games, played for recreation and gambling, you can play this game in social groups in coffee houses and bars.
Some Featurs :
Dice Roll are Completely Random Because it use real world physics equations.
3D Dice: shake your phone (gyroscope) to roll the dice.
ِDesigned for tablets and phones.
Strong Backgammon AI.
3D graphics with ooth animations and effects.
Full match play and Doubling Cube.
Single Player vs Computer(AI) or local 2 Player.
走进大荒 实录影像曝光
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