Police Chase Dodge: Police Chase Games 2018终极版下载游戏攻略
Hello Police officer a person was shouting on the river bridge that someone has snatched his car on the way, go help him chase the criminals. Make it possible the with luxury sports police cars. Simple driving controls of super cars, just chase the thieves.
Some car thieves are running on the highways and you get the phone calls to chase them right away. This police car game is basically car driving and racing game but the new twist is that, you will chase the racing car and will catch it until your time ends. Such features make this game best among the police car games. You can catch the enlisted cars in many ways one of them is getting yourself a speed car which can defeat their car in this game. Intuitive car controls will make you take shortcuts and drifting experience.
Chase the speedy cars of thieves on the city highways violating the city rules. Chasing cars in this game become a most exciting activity which suces up to the game play. When the cops pursuing thieves you should drive as fast you can to catch and make them busted. If you want to be a police chase champ then get into this police chase game and show you are the only police car champ with your driving and racing skills. Police car games gives realistic fun and adventure. We hope you enjoy this game and also check out our other games.
How to Play?
* Tilt, Touch buttons or steering wheel to steer
* Press accelerator button to boost your speed
* Press brake button to slow down
Game Features:
* Intuitive car controls/challenging game play
* Experience the racing in stimulating game play
* Detailed 3d graphics with the stunning environment
* Multiple police cars to beat crime cars
* Realistic drift physics
* Totally offline game-play
* Smooth and efficient controls
Have fun playing this exciting Cops Car Chase: Action Game offered by Knock-Solutions (Gamtech) Inc. This is not only a free game but is also an offline game. Fun is locked in the install button.
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