Dentist Slacking Mania Games终极版下载游戏攻略
Be the best dentist at this Dentist Slacking by GameiMax. Treat those little patients with crazy tools like mouth spray, dental pliers and braces. Brush dirty teeth, fight bacteria, heal his cavities and replace the black teeth. Let's your kids enjoy the journey of being doctor!!!
Being a nurse is a great responsibility and sometimes it can be challenging. With this doctor slacking game you have the chance to be a nurse and look after patients, but also have some fun on the side. Here you can do lots of fun things, but try not to get caught while you're not on your break. You can match the words, help bandage patients, apply makeup, rearrange the pills into their bottles, eat a pie, along with attend to patients, help the doctor, use the x-ray machine, and so much more! With so many different things you can get away with in the hospital, why not see if you can do it before you get caught with this free doctor game today!
Pick out all the candies from the toothbrushes.
Eat all the cupcakes until they are gone.
Match the circles and hearts on the teeth to add some bling.
Put the tooth puzzle back together so it is whole again.
Brush and tidy your hair to make you look more presentable.
Match the letters with the texts to create a message.
Clip your finger nails so they are short and neat.
Put the tools back together ready for any dental surgery.
Find the candy under the cups 3 times.
Many more funny tricks await you to play
在正在进行的2017年GDC游戏开发者大会上,曾开发过《战争机器》、《虚幻竞技场》等射击游戏的开发商Epic Games公布了旗下新作《Battle Breakers》(战争破坏者)。官方表示将会登陆iOS、Android和PC平台。
该作是由虚幻4引擎打造,游戏中的玩家组成队伍,共同对抗外星入侵的怪物,保卫你的家园。据开发者 Donald Mustard 表示,游戏的灵感来源...
1月29日消息,据国外媒体报道,芬兰移动游戏开发商Next Games近日完成了一笔涉及金额达到1000万美元的融资。本轮融资由IDG Ventures和Jari Ovaskainen领投,其他投资方包括AMC网络公司、狮门影业、Lowercase和IDG Capital。
公开资料显示,Next Games创立于2013年,团队核心成员曾供职于Rovio、Supercell和迪士尼等知名游戏公...
据国外媒体报道,芬兰移动游戏开发商Next Games近日完成了一笔涉及金额达到1000万美元的融资。这家公司还表示,根据AMC电视台热门电视剧《行尸走肉》改编的手游《行尸走肉:无人之地》(The Walking Dead:NoMan’s Land)累计下载量已经超过1000万次。
本轮融资由IDG Ventures和Jari Ovaskainen领投,其他投资方包括AMC网络公司、狮门影业...