FG Sergeant Major (3-5-8)终极版下载游戏攻略
3-5-8, also known as Sergeant Major for its popularity among members of Britain's Royal Air Force, is a trick taking card game for 3 players, using a standard 52 card deck. 3-5-8 may be played as a gambling game, or not, and there are many variations with names like "8-5-3" and "9-5-2" played throughout the world. The version "9-5-3 variation with no kitty" was played in the Royal Navy over fifty years ago, when fellow crew would sit around to continue their game from the previous night.
在昨天的Dota2吉隆坡Major的败者组淘汰赛中VG 1:2不敌TNC遗憾出局,目前中国战队仅剩LGD一支,一起来了解一下吧。
Dota2吉隆坡Major淘汰赛 VG 1:2 TNC视频回放:点击进入
昨晚,PGL Minor中国区预选赛决赛落幕,新军团Flash Gaming战队以总比分2:1战胜老牌劲旅VG战队获得冠军,拿下Minor亚洲锦标赛最后一张入场券。
Flash Gaming战队本次预选赛中的表现堪称一鸣惊人。这是他们自今年三月正式组建以来的首次亮相,而他们不负众望,一路过关斩将杀入决赛并夺得亚洲Minor席位,让许多CS:GO爱好者为之振奋。
在比赛中,Flash G...
除了 RNG 战队拿下 LOL MSI 2018 总冠军,昨天晚上中国战队还拿下了另外一个重量级世界冠军。《DOTA2》MDL 长沙站决赛中,PSG.LGD 战队以 3:0 的比分完胜 VGJ.S 战队,获得冠军!同时拿到 Ti8 直接邀请名额!这是 LGD 获得的连续第二个 Major 级别赛事冠军,也是中国战队的第二个 Major 冠军。
本次比赛中,第一局人头比 32:15,比赛时长 ...