3D RPG Muteki Fight for Ex-aid Henshin Ninja终极版下载游戏攻略
We present the latest RPG 3d game for henshin ex-aid. Equipped with henshin belt for henshin ex-aid. A very exciting and exciting fight, with its ninja style called hyper muteki and kimewaza. Your task is to eradicate the crime of zombie monsters and bugsters in the city center. Fight bugster enemies with a ninja-style fight.
Ninja henshin muteki fight tough. Magic Hyper Muteki and Kimewaza are certainly not enough to defeat your opponent. Therefore we provide ninja henshin ex-aid with the sword "Gashacon Sword" belonging to ex-aid brave. Every time you defeat a bugster enemy, we give you a special point.
+ Ninja mainstay skills
+ Magic Hyper Muteki and Kimewaza
+ Gashacon sword
Do an adventure in the city, and collect gashat ex-aid, and henshin belt ex-aid. Every time you find gashat ex-aid and henshin ex-aid, take it. Use it to cure your stamina. by clicking on the Chest and selecting your favorite gashat ex-aid, your stamina will recover.
Every time you find a henshin belt ex-aid, take it and see what miracles happen. Ex-aid will dance and turn into a fresher henshin ex-aid. Henshin belt ex-aid can also be used to restore your stamina.
Hopefully the presence of this game can entertain you.
This game is unofficial and only for entertainment, we are not affiliated with the original creator
这一款在今年3月上架安卓的幻想风RPG手游《Shining Mars》(シャイニングマーズ)在7月3日正式上架App Store,期待已久的小伙伴们还不赶快来下载?
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