First Aid Action Hero终极版下载游戏攻略
Learn how to save lives using First Aid! Be the First Responder in a Medical Emergency!
Helping someone in a real-life situation can be a little startling, however, with First Aid Action Hero you’ll be ready for action! Practice your BMX tricks on the track and then take the lead to save an injured patient! Kids CAN save lives too, so join St John Ambulance Victoria in knowing how!"
Help save an unconscious patient with the St John DRSABC action plan until the Ambulance arrives! You will learn how to:
-Stay safe and protect yourself from Danger
-Check if a patient is unconscious
-Calmly call Triple Zero (000), speak correctly to the Operator and Emergency Service
-Inspect a casualty’s Airway for foreign material
-Look, listen and feel for signs of Breathing on a person
-Carefully and correctly place a patient in the life-saving Recovery Position
Graphics and game-play help you gain an insight into helping in an emergency, teaching First Aid skills to make you feel more confident assisting a patient who is sick, injured or hurt in the real world. This application provides useful tips and tricks involved in the process of recognising an emergency, calling an ambulance and action to be taken whilst waiting for Paramedics to arrive.
This free application is designed to teach children and reinforce First Aid fundamentals from the St John First Aid in Schools Program through an engaging and enjoyable delivery method. This application has been formulated within departments of St John Ambulance Victoria alongside Conduct Digital Agency.
This application is made available for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for accredited first aid training. The authors have made a considerable attempt to ensure the material is accurate, recent and easily interpreted. St John Ambulance (Vic) Inc. accepts no liability for any inaccuracies in the information provided or the success of the use of any scenarios depicted in this application.
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