Pool Player终极版下载游戏攻略
Join us and play Pool Player - A real-life functioned game that allows you to play against other players from around the world!
Take on pool players from all over the world and challenge them to 1v1 games and win great prizes! When you play this multiplayer game you can improve your ranking, buy new and better cues, enter new competitions, keep track of your playing statistics, add friends and more. Can you become the worlds best Pool Player?
Enjoy some of Pool Player's main features:
*Shoot pool and enjoy the real-life functions! You can aim, position the cue on the white ball & choose how much power you want to use to hit the white ball, giving you that real-life effect!
*Play pool with your friends or play against other pool players from around the world!
*Win as many coins as possible by beating other players and enter bigger games that allow you to win bigger prizes!
*Choose from a massive selection of pool cues, each with its own design and powers! You can also purchase chat phrases, avatars & more coins!
If you love playing pool or if you love online games in general, this is for you! Test your skills and see how good you really are.
Play our free game now and become one of the greatest Pool Players ever!
More information can be found on Pool Players website https://www.poolplayer.eu including terms & conditions, gaming instructions and other legalities.
Real Money games are coming soon! $$$ Keep playing to get updates!
Find us on Facebook & Instagram: Pool Player Online Gaming
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8 Ball Pool道具作用详解:
2.Increase Maximum Spin
「Pool Break - 3D台球和斯诺克」这是一款 3D 效果的桌球游戏,支持经典桌球、斯诺克、Carrom 和 Crokinole 等多款国际流行桌球规则,玩家可以和电脑对战,也可以和小伙伴互相竞技,大屏设备玩起来会更带感。
球桌也有多种样式供选择,玩腻了中规中矩的矩形桌面,那就不妨试试圆形或者其它多边形的球桌,娱乐性又增加了不少。3D 操作起来可能会有一点点麻烦,但是习惯了以后就完全没问...
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