Welcome to bool pgia game.
Developer: Gil Ramon
The computer chooses 4 characters between A-H.
You need to guess what sequence the computer chose.
You can choose how many turn you want to play between 4-10.
In the game:
"X" mean - right character in the right place.
"V" mean - right character not in the right place.
《Bool Pgia בול פגיעה
《Bool Pgia בול פגיעה
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终极版绝对是游戏爱好者值得珍藏的版本。无论是场景还是画面都是之前版本不可相比的,游戏中模拟出的内容绝对让你惊喜,会让你得到一种新的体验。那么怎么下载Bool Pgia בול פגיעה