Baldu teacher suddenly called you, this is because you did not attend the lesson this afternoon.
And he called to give you a test to do!
Do it calmly and correctly. If it's true, then you will get a prize money from Baldu teacher.
However, if your answer is wrong, then get ready to be scolded by the teacher Baldu!
《Baldu is Calling终极版下载》下载版本说明
《Baldu is Calling终极版下载》Baldu is Calling终极版绝对是游戏爱好者值得珍藏的版本。无论是场景还是画面都是之前版本不可相比的,游戏中模拟出的内容绝对让你惊喜,会让你得到一种新的体验。那么怎么下载Baldu is Calling的终极版呢?小编推荐玩家们到九游下载,九游不仅涵盖了大部分的手机游戏,还有同款游戏的不同版本,在九游很容易就可以找到这款游戏的终极版,当然,前提是这款游戏有终极版。