Akumo The Father of All Warriors终极版下载游戏攻略
A new mystic dragon heroes from the past, he tell that he is the god father of saiyan ( saiyan origin) and now
he use incredible power to go future and teach all other saiyan the best skill of the namekz. But, there will have
a test for all warrior - who be strong enough to receive new skill so they have battle to test their current power and
the limit breaker of their soul. A new test battle is coming, all warrior, not only saiyan but also many other special dragon heroes join
and it named dragon heroes battle.
- Transform many state : ssg, ssgss, ssggod, ssjgod
- many favorite character: gokuz, beerusz, vegitoz, vegetaz, akumo, brolyz, cooler , android...
- many powerful skill and ultimate combo : ki, kame, burning slash, kaiokenz,
- vs cpu, training and tournament
- unlock over 20 best character
- update version with new character as your comment recommend
Thank and Enjoy !
多年以前从PC的端游到现在大众手里的手游,游戏领域的发展是迅速的,很多的大型经典的网游手游化,现在的游戏质量参差不齐。然而市面也有一些打着聚会旗号,实则都是友尽玩法的作品真是让人又爱又恨,这不近日开发商No Six Five就曝光了旗下多人休闲新作《杀死他们》(Kill 'em All),从名字上看就不像什么正经游戏!