Slither Me 2终极版下载游戏攻略
Slither Me 2 – A Cool mobile game where snakes are the main worm heroes. It’s far from classic snake experience, it’s an adventure arcade game, the main aim is to choose your favorite slither skin and play with crawling snake IO trying to become the longest worm IO player. Snake Online mobile is a perfect mix of arcade snake game with adventure slither worm crawling mode.
We provide you the ability to play with your slither friends in multiplayer snake online IO mode as well as in single player using snake offline slither mode.
There are multiple Slithero challenges: a few slither mods are available for you: timed snake game, infinite and challenge worm mode.
What are the main features of our snake crawl game? Well, we consider it as a great crawl snake mode. You can have fun with other players, or even defeat strong AI snakes. Attack other worms and eat light dots left.
Share Mobile Snake IO Slither Online game with your friends, earn gold and buy new sneak skins.
You can download this cool snake game completely free! This is one of the best slither mods ever!
We don’t allow slither hacks or snake cheats!
Become Crawl Pro player and enjoy Слизарио online!
If you have any issues, feel free to contact us at:
游戏开发商 11 bit studios 公布了众手机在《异形2 Anomaly 2》上的跑分结果,三星旗舰盖世四代(Samsung Galaxy S4)夺魁。11 bit studios 公布了前十名设备,其中来自亚洲的手机占据了六席,而欧洲竟然全军覆没。国货 小米2 排名第八,被外媒形容为“冉冉升起的新星”。
1. Samsung Galaxy S4 100%