Magic Egg Game终极版下载游戏攻略
Magic Egg Game is a game that need you to find coin for buying eggs. Then you can open many different eggs to get unique hidden items. You can play mini games to find coins. There is so many hidden items for you to reveal.
You can sell your items for coins.
The item is has level and stars. The more stars it is the more hard to found, But the more expensive to sell.
Run out of coins? Don't worry there is a daily rewards that give you some free coins every day.
Collect all items and show it to your friend. You can compete with your friends to find who is have more items. So, let's download! It's free!
关于首款集换式卡牌游戏(CCG)《万智牌》,我想很多朋友都听说过。近几年,《万智牌》有转战移动平台的趋势,以每年一款的速度不徐不疾地推出了好几款游戏,去年的《万智牌:旅法师对决》号称邀请了15为游戏大神前来助阵,最后推出后却表现平平,没能抢过《炉石传说》的风采。近日,开发商 Wizards of the Coast 将再接再厉,推出“旅法师对决”的续作——《万智牌对决:起源 Magic Duels...
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