Who is She and He Wax museum game终极版下载游戏攻略
Who is She and He (Wax museum game), in this app you will find many wax figures which is like a wax museum, figure out the name of these statues . To make this app more interesting we introduced celebrity, king and queen, singers, activist , director and producers, politician , hero, heroin, cartoon characters, activist and many renowned faces
to activate you curiosity.
Who is She and He (Wax museum game) is a simple gk game , this game will make you
entertain and amazed by the stunning wax figures,
Who is She and He (Wax museum game) is a user interactive game , is a offline game gk app.
We introduced coin system to make this app more entertaining and engaging. the simple and beautiful user interface will make you more engaged in this game. you can guess the answer by providing alphabet keys. Every right answer will give you more coin, and you can redeem it for guess the question's answer or remove word for the answer. You can also earn coin when you share the the app question on social sites. So that you can challenge your friends and also can play it with your family members and loves once. Don't forget to hit guess button for any difficult level . You can easily manage the sound setting and social media share button is available for every question step, so that you can take your friends support.
We are poring more levels in this app to make this app more engaging and entertaining also image of different area stars will be introduced in this app.
We are eager to hear from you suggestions and query@ 1985kumarankit@gmail.com
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