Deadly Bird终极版下载游戏攻略
Deadly Bird is a mobile Game. It was developed by German video game developer @Hunnenkönig| The game is a acrade mobile video game where the player controls a dead bird, named "Deady", he moves continuously to the up, between sets of pipes. If the player touches the pipes, they lose. "Deady" briefly flaps upward each time that the player taps the Screen; if the screen is not tapped, "Deady" falls because of gravity; each pair of pipes that he navigates between earns the player a single point.
Deadly Bird is a mobile game. It was developed by German video game developer @ Hunnenkönig | The game is a mobile video game where the player controls a dead bird, named "Deady", he moves continuously to the top, between sets of pipes. If the player touches the pipes, they are loose. "Deady" briefly flaps upward each time that the player taps the screen; if the screen is not tapped, "deady" if because of gravity; each pair of pipes that navigates between earns the player a single point.
游戏规则很简单,界面窗格上会初始出现2或者4等两个数字,用户可以通过选择上下左右其中一个方向滑动出现的数字,每滑动一次,所有的数字方块都会往滑动的方向靠拢外,而滑动出的空白方块就会随机出现一个数字,相同数字的方块在靠拢、相撞时会叠加。系统随机给出的数字不是2就是4,用户要想办法在这小小的 16 格范围中通过不断滑动叠加凑出“2048”这个数字。
今天令全球玩家手指颤动的《Flappy Bird》又迎来一大重磅消息。《Flappy Bird》由于火爆程度过高于上周在各大app store下架之后,今天爆出即将重新上架的消息,令无数玩家为之兴奋!
《Flappy Bird》在上周就表示永久下架,并且作者Dong Nguyen也表示游戏给自己带来众多苦恼。如今也许是作者感受到全球粉丝的真心与热情,最终决定《Flappy Bird》将回...
《Flappy Bird》超进化 《Flappy Bird2》重磅回归
这绝对是游戏界的一个奇迹事迹。短短几天之内《Flappy Bird》这只小鸟几乎“侵占”了80%的欧美手机游戏用户,一度成为美国及中国iTunes最受欢迎和下载最多的免费应用软件,并被英国App Store描述为“新愤怒鸟”。
所谓“人红是非多”,鸟红了麻烦也不少。在《Flappy Bird...