Push Box Magic终极版下载游戏攻略
Push Box Magic is a Sokoban like game in new fantasy style.
Your mission: control your character. Use your magic power and spells to push each box to the target. The puzzle is solved when all boxes are pushed into the proper goals.
Keep in mind, you can only move your character or the box into EMPTY spaces in 3D world. You can't jump over boxes/rocks or move rocks.
In order to move your character, you have four buttons up, down, right & left to move in the allocated location.
Push Box Magic features:
Multiple challenging levels
Beautiful 3D environment
Undo moves using the back button
Show level solution
Music by Eric Matyas
美国增强现实公司Magic Leap成立于2011年,先后曾获得过包括谷歌、高通资本、KKR在内的众多大牌投资机构的融资,不过该公司至今却也没有出品过一款真正意义上的作品,而近些时候,该公司还传出了造假风波,一度让人们认为这就是一家皮包公司。而近日,该公司再度传来一则消息,那就是收购了德克萨斯州的游戏工作室FuzzyCube Software。
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