Farm Frut Das终极版下载游戏攻略
It is farm frenzy out there! There are many fruits like watermelon, grapes, pineapple, orange, lemon and even apple harvest. Watering your plants and now the fruits are ripe. Time to collect your fruits with Farm Fruit Dash.
Farm Fruit Dash is puzzle farm free. All you have to do is fruit pop the matching fruits as quickly as you can. It gets harder with each passing level where you will have 20 seconds less. So you need to rush and pair them up faster and faster.
Farm fruit match is a fun matching link game where you will be tested on speed, coordination, memory, concentration and ability to focus within a short time. It gets more and more exciting with each passing levels.
★★★ 3 rounds of matching game
★★★ Timer to show urgency
★★★ Colorful fun graphics
★★★ Various ways to link matching objects
How To Play Farm Fruit Dash:
Simply look for 2 matching fruits. Not only side by side, but top and bottom as well. The matching pair do not have to touching. They need to be linked with a straight line (or lines). Tap all the matching cards as quickly as you can before the time is up.
Press “PLAY” to begin the game.
Press “REFRESH” if you need to shuffle the cards up to 3 chances.
Press “FIND” if you need help finding matching cards up to 3 chances.
本人上10本已有数月,在两个爸爸塔3级以后通过不下5个阵型,常年混在水晶杯。 想必大家了解 水晶杯 如果大本外置,且家中资源不足以诱敌深入的话,是很少有真打你的,除非。。。除非是一个奇葩。所以呢,检验阵型的机会可以说是比较少的。
今天跟大家分享一个10本日常farm的阵型。 也许有人看过或正在使用,那您就默默关闭网页就称啦。希望对没看过 没用过的同学有帮助,保护家中资源。...
本文由九游论坛玩家阿B老师原创,转载请注明出处。欢迎点击进入原帖与作者互动交流~ 如你也有优质内容分享,可在论坛发帖投稿~
视频:部落战 防守方墙等级略低(老外不在意墙的等级)防御还不错 双王幽会还没起床 总体实力中 解说版
兵种配置:7弓箭 1巨人 6炸弹 4天使 18矿工 14野猪 30...