Gem Jam 2019 Casual Strategic Puzzle Gem Game终极版下载游戏攻略
Simple strategic puzzle gem game for tactical and casual minds! Gem Jam is as relaxing as it is challenging in its simplicity and depth. Get highest score and level in this excellent hyper-casual, relaxing, gem puzzle game.
How to play:
-Move star gem across nearby fields.
-Each time you move star gem to the new position successfully, area of gems will be turned into diamond blocks and your previous position will be left blank.
-You cant move over blank fields,
-But You can move over diamonds.
-Turining gems into diamonds will increase you score.
-Removing diamonds will decrease number of available moves.
-At the end of a level blanks and diamonds will be regenerated.
Gems also grants powerups:
-Red gems will give you extra moves!
-Yellow gems will grant you ability to jump anywhere on the board.
-Blue gems will allow you to remove one row and column of a board completely and
-Green gems will allow you to turn any gems or diamonds in other gems.
Take a few tries until you get a hang of the gameplay and tell us what did you like about our new puzzle game. Can you get the highest score? Which level are you now? Is it too challenging ? Too easy? Are there any bugs? We would like to hear from you!
-DHI Team!
关注独立的游戏玩家对 Global Game Jam (以下简称 GGJ ),全球游戏创作节应该不陌生。这是一个独立游戏人的大集会。游戏人在规定的时间里,尽力做一款好玩的游戏,才是活动的精髓。
相比起欧美的其他游戏大展、漫展,相对小众的 GGJ 的历史也不算长。Game Jam 一词是由 Game(游戏)和 Jam Session (即兴表演)两个词组成,这种游戏...
2017年1月20日,由GlobalGameJam Inc.授权,CiGA中国独立游戏联盟主办,冰穹互娱与广州九游携手承办的Global Game Jam广州天河站于广州市天河区万菱国际中心A塔28层举行。冰穹互娱CEO王强、艾通未来CEO刘惠斌、九游董事长兼CEO骆海坚莅临现场,寄语创作者,希望通过本次活动催生优秀独立游戏产品,满足世界玩家期待。
Global Game Jam是由Glob...
2017年1月20日,由Global GameJam Inc.授权,CiGA中国独立游戏联盟主办,中手游承办,魅族互娱协办的Global Game Jam 深圳站(下文简称GGJ)将在深圳市福田区中康北路卓越城一期4号楼8层中手游深圳办公室举行。
■ 全球最大线下GameJam活动即将举行
Global Game Jam是由Global Game Jam Inc.授权的全球最大G...