Pregnancy Test终极版下载游戏攻略
Pregnancy Test.
Pregnancy Test! Do you want to know if you are pregnant or not? Do you want to calculate the duration of pregnancy? Feel the symptoms of pregnancy? Pass this test!
The application will ask you a few questions and determine the first signs of pregnancy, if you have them. This pregnancy test can not determine baby gender, pregnancy symptoms, the date of birth or the schedule of pregnancy, but will show you the exact result with a high probability! This will calculate the duration of pregnancy and the week of pregnancy.
Please note that the online pregnancy test can not replace the trip to a specialist, in case of doubt, contact your gynecologist.
《The River Test》是一款相当考验智力的动脑游戏,曾被用来当作在日本面试工作时的智力测验,目前正在限免中。
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