Apple Shooting Target - Sniper Games终极版下载游戏攻略
Test your long-range shooting skills using free
Apple shooting target - sniper games
on Play Store. Sniper shooting games are very popular action games among youngsters. This first person shooter game has great gameplay, awesome visuals, and challenging missions.
Forget those dumb, repetitive shooting games. Here, your duty will include racing against time in shooting range to shoot all Apples in front of you. Don't get fooled by the Apples, they are not that easy target once you start shooting it. Time is your biggest enemy here, so make sure you don't run out of time while shooting the Apples.
You also have limited bullets so being accurate while shooting an Apple is the only way to win this game. Stunning visuals and different maps will increase the difficulties of a gameplay. The game contains 5 shooting targets in Desert, Destroy city, City, Snow, Beach with high-quality graphics. Each map contains 10 unique levels. Next levels and maps are unlocked when you win the current level.
Apple Shooting Target - Sniper Games game doesn't include any graphics contents so this is safe for underage kids. All you have to do is to blast all the Apple inside shooting range. The sniper weapon provided in this first person shooter action games also includes a scope for a long distance shot. You might not want to get distracted in a shooting range while shooting targets or you will miss the shot.
Shooting targets difficulty is increased with each round so you have to be utmost precise while taking a shot at the Apple. Inbuilt 20 levels will provide you with so much entertainment with realistic sound and cool shooting animation.
Apple Shooting Target - Sniper Games
is the best sniper games and requires no internet connection at all, so if you are traveling and want to pass some of your time then this sniper shooting games is for you. All maps are downloaded with the game so you don't have to worry about the internet connection to play this game.
Excellent Features
● No Internet required.
● 5 Worlds and 100 Unique maps.
● Easy gameplay with simple controls.
● Breathtaking 3D graphics.
● Easy To Play, Tough To Master.
● FPS action games shooting targets.
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