Greedy Dice怎么安装游戏攻略
Two players have to roll a dice to try to reach the magical winning score of 100 (or they can set their own winning score) before their opponent to win the game.
If they roll a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 they get to keep the points and roll the dice again to add more points to their total.
However, if they are greedy and roll the dice too many times, they may roll a 1. Rolling a 1 loses all the points from that turn and also the turn! The other player now gets to roll the dice and outpace their opponent.
The game is about passing the turn at the right time without being too Greedy to win the game!
《Game of Dice》,是一款在大富翁类玩法基础之上,加以部分特色玩法改良的棋盘策略手游。此前,在韩国、港台等国家和地区上架,均获得良好成绩。目前看到部分安卓渠道已经开启预约,8月31日游戏或将全平台登陆中国。
《骰子魔法师Dice Mage》没有真刀真枪,决定玩家命运的只有一场场捉摸不定的、实力与运气兼具的骰子赌局。
画 面简单像素风,关卡为浮空的岛屿
音 乐幽默诙谐,相对比较紧凑
操 作一只手指便可操作
费 用免费 评分:8.0
UNO还可以用骰子玩?没想到吧?今天就为大家介绍UNO的又一衍生版本——UNO Dice!
UNO Dice是UNO的衍生版本里非常有趣且易上手的版本之一。代替纸牌,你会有一个如图所示的UNO主题的饮料罐一样的罐子,里面有11个骰子。 这个版本的UNO与其他最大的不同在于,它仅适合两名玩家玩,节奏非常快,很适合旅行的时候带上一罐~