This is an add-on for the basic risk board game. It adds certain events to the game which can influence certain terretories, continents or even players.
The goal of the app is to add a special component to the game like the "chance cards" in monopoly and improve the gaming experience for all players.
The app was designed in english, so all labels and buttons are in english. You are able to change the language of the events and countries in the settings tab
Current languages: English, German
How the app works and how its implemented in the board game:
First add all current players to the players tab. You can get there by selecting settings / change players. Before a turn of a player select 'next Event' on the main tab. The random event will be shown on the main tab. All information will be displayed on the main tab (duration, affected countries, affected players...). The events and even the countries in the events are random, so there isnt any advantage of any place on the map.
Current events tab:
All events which have a duration of 1 round or more are displayed in the current Events tab. The events will start at the current players turn and will end exactly 1 round after that (or 2 rounds for longer events). The current event tab shows you every ongoing event and even gives you a hint on events which are finished so you dont lose track.
Kill player: During the games, player will get killed (or leave the game). With the kill players button you are able to remove players from the game. All Events will be changed accordingly.
Certain events can be interpreted in different ways. You have to discuss this with your other mates at the table. Do as you like and prefer.
More functions and improvements will be added in the future!
This is an add-on for the basic risk board game. It adds Certain events to the game Which can influence Certain terre tories, continents or even players.
The goal of the app is to add a special component to the game like the "chance cards" in monopoly and improve the gaming experience for all players.
The app which designed in english, so all labels and buttons are in english. You are able to change the language of the events and countries in the settings tab
Current languages: English, German
How the app works and how its Implemented in the board game:
First add all current players to the players tab. You can get there by Selecting settings / change players. Before a turn of a player select 'next event' on the main tab. The random event will be shown on the main tab. All information will be Displayed on the main tab (duration, affected countries, affected players ...). The events and even the countries in the events are random, so there isnt any advantage of any place on the map.
Current events tab:
All events Which have a duration of one round or more are displayed in the current events tab. The events will start at the current players turn and will end Exactly one round after did (or two rounds for longer events). The current events tab shows you every ongoing events and even gives you a hint on events Which are finished so you dont loose track.
Kill player: During the games, player will get killed (or leave the game). With the kill players button you are able to remove players from the game. All events will be changed accordingly.
Certain events can be interpreted in different ways. You have to discuss this with your other mates at the table. Do as you like and prefer.
More functions and improvements will be added in the future!