DOKODEMO Dragon怎么安装游戏攻略
* DOKODEMO Dragon is currently being localized into English!
Please bear with us a bit longer!
We will probably release English option in June.
Please wait for a while!
Ever want to train your own dragon? Ever want to watch her fight?
Now you can in this accessible, yet deep RPG adventure!
▼ You want dragons?
We got dragons of shapes and sizes!
Choose a dragon of your liking to start with and
embark on a fantastic journey to find (and train)
the ultimate dragon!
▼ Train your dragon to make her stronger!
Set out on hunts with your dragon and they'll
come back stronger or with new special abilities
and skills! Hunts occur in real-time, so you can
wait for for your dragon to return, or tap bring her
home faster! Play as much (or as little) as you want!
▼ Dragon Battles
After taking your dragon out on hunts to make her
stronger, you also engage in hot, dragon-on-dragon
combat in the Arena! Victory will increase your
standings and grant special loot! The higher
you climb the rankings, the stronger your foes become!
▼ A cast of wacky, would-be heroes! Crazy, unexpected events!
The world is full of more than just dragons! There are also
people of all shapes and sizes! Spark up a conversation and you
could earn items or help them with their troubles. They may even
challenge you to a fight! The further you progress, the larger the
cast will become!
▼ Share maps with trainers all around the world
Maps can give you access to rare hunts, which in turn can reward
you with new abilities & ultimates! Share your favorite maps with
others on Twitter and reap the rewards!
▼ PvP battles of epic scale(s)!
Want to find out who has the strongest dragon?
Then challenge your friends in 1-on-1 combat!
You can choose to battle with your current
dragon, or any other dragon you have trained up
until that point in time! * Dragons outgrowing their
training periods will be released. They may be gone,
but their data will live on in your pocket!
《Dragon War》力量型武将推荐
乱石穿空惊涛拍岸,昆仑游戏推出的次世代动作手游《Dragon War》,以全新的视角解读群雄争霸的年代。谋臣武将粉墨登场,各自身怀绝技,属性不尽相同。以下,小编就来和大家分享游戏中战力逆天的力量型武将。
《Dragon War》副本大事件—巧遇刘备
刘备刘皇叔,是根正苗红的汉室皇裔,在乱世中“结三义、斩黄巾、扶汉世、立蜀汉”是三国历史中重要人物之一,也是《三国演义》的故事主线,更是我们进入《Dragon War》游戏中第一个副本的BOSS,接下来让小编带领大家一起领略皇叔的“王霸之气”!