Quarks Galaxy怎么安装游戏攻略
Go on an adventure with the Quarks! Visit surprising planets with Max, Bob, Lola, Orbit and Harry and complete fun puzzles. Earn gold stars with every puzzle you complete. Collect all jigsaw pieces on a planet to fill your trophy book.
Maybe you've already played the PuzzleLife Quarks magazines? Like the puzzles in the magazines, the games in this app are fun, adventurous and clever.
Puzzles you will find in this app:
• Unlock; a challenging puzzle full of calculations
• Patchwork; move all the pieces to the correct position to complete the picture
• Tectonic; fill the grid with all the correct symbols
• Layout; place all the pieces correctly without any of them touching
• Barricades; move all the pieces out of the way to open up the exit
• Free to download
• A safe, playful environment
• Can be played offline, so no internet connection required during play
• Educational fun
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