Hearts Pro怎么安装游戏攻略
Hearts Pro, the most popular classic free card game, is now available on your Phone or Table! Play Free Now!!
Hearts have different names around the world, including Chase the Lady and Rickety Kate, and is similar to the game Black Lady. In Turkey hearts is called Queen of Spades, and in India it is known as Black Queen.
Hearts Pro has 2 different difficulty levels for the AI players, you can play against opponent who matches your skill level! And two game modes: Standard Hearts, Omnibus Hearts. With crisp, clear graphics, and a start forward layout, this fun classic card app is the one you do not want to be without.
Hearts Pro, the classic card free game where you can Shoot the Moon everytime, but look out for the Queen of Spades!
Go Big! If you take all the hearts cards and the Queen of Spades then you can "Shoot the Moon". Take 26 points away from your game score!
It’s time to break hearts! Watch out the Queen of Spades! Try to take the fewest points and win the game. Can you shoot the moon?
Hearts Pro Features:
- Easy and play fun!
- Great graphics and awesome sound effects
- Advanced AI players: 2 Difficulty Levels
- Standard Hearts Pro - Queen of Spades
- Omnibus Hearts Pro - Jack of Diamonds Variant
- Challenging and competitive computer opponents
- Single tap to move cards
- 50, 100, or 150 points you can choose
- Card passing to Left, Right, Across, No Pass
- Custom cards, cardbacks and background
- Saved auto when interrupted
- Statistics Data
If you are a professional hearts card game player, this expert hearts game will be sure to your favorite! Download Hearts Pro free today!
For any question, write us at crazygame.dever@gmail.com
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那些有点年头的PS4旧作近日都因PS4 Pro和HDR支持的到来换发出了新的光彩。相信大家之前已经看过《美国末日(The Last of Us)》PS4 Pro重制版的光影效果了,而今天,NeoGAF的用户Robot Pants又放出了一组《声名狼藉:私生子(Infamous Second Son)》的原版&HDR对比图,画面效果提升相当大!