Bakery Shop Repair Fix It: Store Cleaning Makeover怎么安装游戏攻略
Bakery Shop Repair Fix It is a supermarket store builder & cleaning game where you have to build and clean up the messy store & arrange bakery products on the shelves. Show your construction, cleaning & interior decoration skills being the pro designer & decorator to give your shop a perfect makeover renovation. Be the elite craft repairman & mechanic crew worker to complete the designing and furnish cafe store decoration in this shop repairing simulator game. Bakery Shop Repair Fix It will make you learn the art of fixing & repairing broken furniture, house kitchen appliances & other necessary items.
Being an experienced room service provider & auto vehicle garage mechanic, you are already familiar with cleaning the house elevator just like your rooms, the hall, the kitchen, the bathrooms and the whole house cleaning simulator game. Bakery Shop Repair Fix It is usually done from bottom to top, i.e. mopping dust from the floor, removing old furniture, painting the new colors, repairing broken home kitchen machine & installing new fridge panels. Also remove broken glass to place new one for complete makeover of the bakery store. Make it user friendly by completing all the tasks in Bakery Shop Repair Fix It.
When working for royalty sometimes they can be messy especially when it comes to being a cooking princess in Bakery Shop Repair Fix It. With this little princess cleanup game you can have fun cleaning up your princess’s room or your castle ready for her return after baking delicious cake & cupcakes. Here you can straighten the furniture, lights and wall hangings, clean the cobwebs, rearrange her doll cake and other items, as well as throw the rubbish away, scrub the stains, sweep the floors and so much more! So if you want a challenge and test your cleaning skills, why not have a go with this Bakery Shop Repair Fix It and see if you have what it takes to work for royalty kitchen.
Bakery Shop Repair Fix It Features:
- Straighten the furniture, wall hanging and lights to make the bakery room look straight.
- Place the cake and cupcakes back on their shelves in the display counter
- Throw the rubbish & garbage away in the trash can so the floor looks nice and clean.
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